Posts tagged blackberry
vanilla cake with blackberries, fig jam + coconut whipped cream (gf + df)

last sunday i turned 23! what a weird age to turn. we spent the past week celebrating in amelia island, florida with frank's family and friends.

we sat on the beach, played dominoes, laughed and tried to stay away from as most technology as we good for a solid refresh and let me tell ya, it felt amazing!!!

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blackberry honey cashew cheesecake + links!

hi friends, happy wednesday!

we are gearing up for our big move tomorrow, and i'm partially homesick already for nyc. this past year has been the most challenging and rewarding time of our lifes and we have had to say the hardest goodbyes this weekend: to our friends kevin and tori, moira, our waiter Walter at The Mansion, to the lemon man who works at the deli below us, our maintenance men, my team at Plural, the whole shebang. 

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